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NPM :12214796

At first, when people ask me about my passion, I’ll say “I don’t know”, I don’t even know what is the definition of passion is. But now I know what passion is, and my passion is  computer, book, and game.
Computer and book,  are a very big passion of mine, I like playing with corel draw (i love drawing), adobe photoshop, browsing, and something like that. And I love reading, especially science fiction, and fantasy novel, I love to play with my imagiaton, and exploring the knowledge through the story. The last passion is game, I love playing the game, especially a strategy games, I love to managing something  in order to achieve a goal and highest score. I would be upset if the target is not achieved, and I will do everything to get the maximum score and achieve the target, it does not matter if I had to sit on the floor because my phone charger cable is too short, I’ll keep trying. That’s why I’m taking a management major, because I think managing something is a challenge. I want to be a manager in a reputable company. I want to manage the company to be a great company, a successful company. And now, I have three target, the first target is get a scholarship, the second target is graduated by cumlaude, and the third target is being a lecture, and got a scholarship to continued my study in Universitas Gunadarma to be a magister economyc.
Then what makes me motivated to do this? To make my parents proud of me? Yes, to be successful at a young age?yup, but the most motivation? I want to prove that all the spiel of people that hate me was wrong. I want to prove the spiel like I’m a slacker,  unreliable, weak, stupid, was wrong! And they have to pay for it. hahaha,
Let me tell you something, I live in Riyadh from 2 years old until  16 years old. My mother take care all about housework, cooking, laundry, everything is neatly by my mother, and when I exit to Indonesia, i had to learn to be independent because my mother was busy taking care of our new house that being built, for the first  month, everything is alright, I still feeling sad to leave my childhood friends in Riyadh, but a month later, the neighbors began to talk about me, they talk about that I don’t understand about the housework, I was not mature, blablabla, yes maybe it's true, but I’m now trying to be a mature, to be a girl who can do the housework, step by step. But they are becoming more and more, they began to say that I was stupid, really unreliable, and making a rumors that make me feel so down and I felt I was a parasite in the life of this family. I have to adapt with my new school, new environment, all completely new, because the environment in Riyadh and Indonesia are very different. In Riyadh I do not have a Japanese subject, but  in Indonesia, I have it, and it make me stress, and also I have to study for the National Examination, I feel depressed, I got depression In secondary level upwards.
And then, I go to University I got away from them, I decided to stop thinking about all negative people and those spiel words, get up and live my life with my mind, my heart, because all the time I feel that i live for others, and I don’t follow my heart. I make all the negative chatter a spear for me, if I started to give up, and retreated or in something, the spear will keep me go ahead.
And Thank God, my study going well, my first IPK is 3.56, a great start! Alhamdulillaaah, and I will make it high and high, I want to get out of my darkest time. I got my self back, a crazy person, cheerful, always laughing. I promised myself that I was not going to stop and surrender. I want to be successful at a young age, I want to ease the burden on my parents, and I want to prove all the negative chatter is wrong, I don’t mean to revenge, but i just want to prove it.
And I believe, with the effort, resignation to Allah (tawakkal) and prayers of parents, I can reach all of my target,  certainly be in the way of Allah, and don’t violate the rules, because I want all the blessings in my life. Ameen


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